Microsoft rolls out Windows 10 Build 18356 as a part of 19H1 for the insiders in the Fast ring level. This update brings a feature to mirror phone’s screen, a number of improvements and fixes. The build mainly addresses the major problem like – Microsoft Edge crash, night light, battery drain and lots more.
You’re able to install this Build 18356 by navigating to the inbuilt Windows Settings followed by visiting the Update & Security category. Consequently, click on the Check for updates button and let the downloading start. Additionally, You will get this update automatically if you haven’t disabled or paused it.
Windows 10 Build 18356 19H1 Features improvements and Fixes Details
Mirror your phone’s screen to the big screen
Microsoft is also throwing out an updated version of the Phone app. It lets you mirror your “Android phone” screen quickly on your machine and even with the locked phone. With this, you’re able to open any apps and interact with your phone as you do usually. However, the mirror feature is only accessible for a few numbers of phones. Along with, the first device to carry this new feature will be Surface Go. The team also reveals that the app will work with the Windows 10 Build 18356 running on Android 7.0 and the upper version. Furthermore, the devices having the latest update also require a Bluetooth radio that maintains a low energy peripheral role.
Windows 10 Build 18356 common changes, improvements, and fixes
- Microsoft Edge will no longer crash while interacting with the combo boxes in PDF forms.
- Windows 10 team addresses an important issue causing night light being on after the update even though all the settings showed that night light should be off.
- Tech Giants works on an issue causing night light being on after an upgrade even though all the settings showed that night light should be off.
- After installing the Build 18356, the night light will not stick while accommodating its strength using the slider
- The night light will not skip the fade transition until you turn it on.
- Tech Giants focused on the issue resulting in increased battery drain while the screen was on in recent builds.
- Microsoft specialist works on an issue resulting in the “…” menu contents being clipped for certain apps like Voice Recorder and Alarms and Clock when the app was full screen.
- Another fix for Insiders is out. It leads in bugcheck green screens citing a KERNEL_SECURITY_VIOLATION error.
Windows 10 Build 18356 Known issues
- Opening games which use anti-cheat software, Green Screen of Death bugcheck might be struggled by you.
- Creative X-Fi sound cards are not performing correctly. The team is partnering with Creative to fix this problem.
- Some Realtek SD card readers may not be able to function suitably.
- The team is trying to investigate the issue obstructing VMware from being able to install or update Windows Insider Preview builds. However, Hyper-V is a viable choice, if it is available to you.
Known issues
- Still, there’s an issue with the touch input in Windows 10 Build 18356.
- On display will not be shown eternally on the phone screen displayed on the PC.
- You may not experience the Blue light on the phone screen displayed on the PC.
- The sound will produce from the speakers on the phone.
- Double-clicking on the device results in to bring down the notification center.
- A few games and apps do not support mouse cooperation like – Pokémon Go, Merge Dragons, Feedly
- The soft keyboard will get disappear if you turn on the setting to hide it in the presence of a physical keyboard. It happens if you’re within the range of your PC Bluetooth despite the prevailing circumstances of your Phone.
Known issues for Developers
- If you receive a current build staying in the Fast ring and moving to the Slow, the optional content may not work. Therefore, you will have to stick with the Fast ring to enable /install/add/the optional content. The reason is this optional content will only arrive the builds which are approved to receive these features.
Source – Windows experience blog.
Impossible de terminer l’installation du (KB4496796)
Le message suivant apparaît et empêche l’installation de la version 18356 :
Nous ne parvenons pas à installer cette mise à jour car une autre mise à jour ets en cours d’installation .
Merci de faire le nécessaire afin de résoudre ce problème .