Dev channel of Windows insider has received another update that fixed a number of issues occurring in the past few builds. Windows 10 Build 20190 introduces very important changes for Graphics settings and also a Tips app to focus your attention for the main changes brought by a build.
You can download Windows 10 Build 20190 from Settings simply. First of all, open it by pressing the Windows logo key and I and select Update & Security. Then navigate to the right flank of windows update and click on the button saying Check for updates.
Windows 10 Build 20190 21H1 Features and fixes
Here is Windows 10 Build 20190 21H1 changelog –
1. Tips app
The build comes up with a Tips app that brings your focus to the most important changes after a feature update is installed. You will experience this app in the latest build in the Dev Channel. Go to Settings and select System. Then Check – Show me the Windows welcome experience – box in Notifications & actions which is enabled by default.
2. Improved Graphics Settings experience
You are able to define a default high performance GPU in Graphics Settings after this update.
This will enable you to choose a specific GPU on a per-app basis in Graphics Settings.
Power user possessing multiple GPUs can also specify a GPU to use for high performance. For this, navigate to Settings > System > Display > Graphics settings. Alternatively, you can also go to Settings > Gaming > Graphics settings. Set a GPU for an application that asks for a high-performance.
Furthermore, you will have the ability to specify exactly which GPU you want an app to run on using the new Specific GPU option.
Changes and Improvements
Build makes changes in new Japanese IME to support switching between Hiragana and Katakana by using CTRL + CAPSLOCK and ALT + CAPSLOCK (respectively), as was supported with the previous version.
Windows 10 Build 20190 Fixes
- Windows 10 Build 20190 has resolved a WSL1 error that would show up – “The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request”. Check out Github for more information.
- Also, update solved explorer.exe being unresponsive problem when opening on touch devices after resuming from hibernation.
- They fixed search results would appear to draw on top of one another when deleting characters from the search box.
- Microsoft experts fixed an issue with enabled “Use English punctuations when in Chinese input mode” setting problem. Actually, when you switched to an English keyboard utilizing WIN+Space and then back to the Chinese Pinyin IME, typed punctuations would Chinese.
- They solved on-screen PIN pad unexpectedly appearing problem when the focus was set to the login screen. The issue occurred when the Narrator was enabled.
- Microsoft Windows insider experts fixed Features on Demand (FOD) throwing error 0x8000FFFF and failing to enable in recent builds. This is also considered to be the main cause that the SFC /Scannow command would frequently fail to cite a pending reboot.
- They solved calling window hanging if an authentication prompt was raised and then not interacted with and timing out. For example, Microsoft Edge.
Known issue
- Microsoft Experts are working on a fix some Microsoft Store games that are protected with Easy Anti-Cheat may and can’t open.
- In Windows 10 Build 20190, They are investigating feedback for the update process that was hanging for longer when trying to install a new build.
- They are trying to fix close//max/min buttons that are stuck in their original positions after resizing a Universal Windows Platform app. However, after moving the app window the position should change.
- Developers are studying reports of new taskbar for pinned sites that aren’t working for some sites.
- They are trying to solve to turn on the live preview for the pinned site tabs.
- They are working on enabling the new taskbar experience for existing pinned sites. In the meantime, you can unpin the site from the taskbar, remove it from the edge://apps page, and then re-pin the site.
- Microsoft Windows team is working on pinned sites that don’t show all open tabs for a domain. Meanwhile, you can resolve it by pinning the website’s homepage instead of a specific page. For example, pin rather than
- They’re working on Alt+Tabbing to a browser tab problem that at times moves the previously active browser tab to the front of the Alt+Tab list as well.
- Additional left padding in the letter headers in the Start menu’s all apps list during all apps list was set to hidden.
Source – Windows experience blog.
Windows 10 Build 20190 ISO for manual install
Download Windows 10 Build 20190 ISO