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Windows 10 Build 20197 ISO files 21H1 x64 and x86 [Download]

A few days ago, Microsoft rolled out an update to the Dev channel (previous Fast ring) of 21H1 development branch. The build was having a huge list of fixes and bringing the Disk management to Storage Settings. This was Windows 10 Build 20197 and today we are with the ISO files for the same.

You can download ISO files for the update for x64 and x86 systems simply from the links in the last to install manually. You know 21H1 will be the upcoming Windows 10 2104 version that will be possibly released in next spring.

Windows 10 Build 20197 ISO

The build carries a very important feature for Windows Settings. Disk Management MMC snap-in is available as it was previously working but now but you can use them from Settings. Furthermore, it fixed ALT+Tab on a browser, pinned site to the taskbar, Sysprep, Group Policy Editor, File Explorer folder icon, Network Status page, and other.

So download ISO for Windows 10 Build 20197 for Professional and multiboot having other versions from the following links and install on your computer in manual way.

That’s all!!!

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