Windows 10 22H2 has received a Cumulative update, currently for the Release Preview channel, with a large number of bug fixes and improvements. Later, the changes available in this build will be part of Patch Tuesday, 11 April 2022 Security Update. KB5023773 is the release that increases the 22H2 version to 19045.2787. The package addresses issues that affect rpcss.exe, HTA, Desired State Configuration, printer drivers, SCEP certificate, FIDO2, SharedPC account manager, lsass.exe, and more.
Full name of this release is – 2023-03 Preview Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5023773), where x64 is variable and can be x86 or ARM64. Let’s see what’s new in this RP channel patch for insiders –
KB5023773 Windows 10 19045.2787 22H2 Cumulative Update Preview changes, bug fixes, and direct download links
Here is the changelog –
Changes and bug fixes
- KB5023773 LCU (Preview) update affects the ms-appinstaller URI. The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) now onwards functions with the DesktopAppInstaller policy.
- Windows 10 Build 19045.2787 22H2 addresses an issue that affects the Remote Procedure Call Service aka rpcss.exe. The issue might generate a race condition between the DCOM aka Distributed Component Object Model and the Microsoft Remote Procedure Call or RPC endpoint mapper.
- Furthermore, this update addresses an issue that affects the Microsoft HTML Application Host or HTA. This issue prevents code execution that employs Microsoft HTA. This happens when you turn on WDAC or Windows Defender Application Control User Mode Code Integrity aka UMCI enforced mode.
- This rollout addresses an issue that affects Desired State Configuration. It loses its previously configured options. This occurs if metaconfig.mof is missing.
- KB5023773 CU Preview update addresses compatibility problems that affect some printers which utilize Windows Graphical Device Interface or GDI printer drivers. The reason is that these drivers do not fully adhere to the Graphics Device Interface specifications.
- Also, Windows 10 Build 19045.2787 22H2 addresses a problem with Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol or SCEP certificate. The system reports some SCEP certificate installations as failed. while it should notify them as pending.
- This rollout addresses a problem that affects USB printers. The system categorizes them as multimedia devices even though they are not.
- The RP channel release addresses an issue that affects the Fast Identity Online 2.0 (FIDO2) PIN credential icon. FIDO2 does not appear on the credentials screen of an external monitor. The issue occurs when that monitor is connected to a closed laptop.
- This LCU affects apps that use the Windows UI Library in the Windows App SDK (WinUI 3). The WinUI 3 makes printing for them possible on Windows 10 devices.
- KB5023773 Release Preview channel addresses an issue that affects the SharedPC account manager. The manager can not delete multiple accounts during cleanup.
- Finally, this update addresses an issue that might affect lsass.exe and cause it to stop responding. The problem occurs when it sends a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol aka LDAP query to a domain controller that has a very large LDAP filter.
KB5023773 Download link
- 64-bit ISO: x64-UUP dump
- 32-bit (x86) ISO: x86 – UUP dump
- ARM64 ISO: arm64 – UUP dump
When KB5023773 patches are released to Windows 10 22H2 you can download the update from – Microsoft Update Catalog
Source – Windows blog
That’s all!!.