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Windows 11 22621.963 KB5021255 22H2 update addresses Task Manager

December 2022 Security patches are available, even, different systems and components are receiving them. KB5021255, in this sequence, is the LCU for Windows 11 22H2 addresses the known issue that might affect Task Manager showing unexpected colors. This deliverance increases the version number to Windows 11 22621.963.

Full name of this release is 2022-12 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5021255) where x64 is variable and it can also be ARM64. Read – Windows 11 Build 22621.898 KB5020044 Update changes Spotlight location.  Let’s see what’s new in this patch –

KB5021255 Windows 11 22621.819 22H2

Here is the changelog –

Bug fixes and improvements

  • This update addresses a known issue that might affect Task Manager. It might display certain elements in the user interface (UI) in unexpected colors. Some parts of the UI might not be readable. This issue might occur if you have Choose your mode set to “Custom” in the Personalization > Colors section of Settings.
  • This update addresses security issues for your Windows operating system.

Read – How to Fix Task Manager Visibility bug (Error) in Windows 11 22H2.

Known issues

Applies toSymptomWorkaround
IT adminsUsing Provisioning packages on Windows 11 v22H2 aka Windows 11 2022 Update might not function as expected. The system might only be entirely configured, and the OOBE might not complete or might reboot unexpectedly. .pkg files which are applied during initial setup are possibly to be impacted by this issue. To know the particulars of provisioning packages, navigate to Provisioning packages for Windows.

Remark: Provisioning Windows devices using Windows Autopilot is not affected by this problem.

Furthermore, if home or small office devices are running Windows they are not probably affected by this issue.

in case, you know to provision the device before upgrading to Windows 11 v22H2, this will not let the problem occur.

They are currently investigating and will push an update in an upcoming release.



IT admins 

When on Windows 11 v22H2 and copying huge and multiple GB files this might consume longer. This problem is more likely to happen when copying from a network share via SMB but local file copy might also be affected. The issue might not affect devices running in home or small offices

To mitigate this problem, you can alter the Choose your mode setting to Light or Dark. For this, right-click on the desktop, select Personalize and choose Colors. For Choose your mode, select Dark or Light.

The team is working on a resolution and will provide an update in the next release.

IT adminsSubsequent to receiving this patch, applications that use Open Database Connectivity through Microsoft ODBC SQL Server Driver i.e. sqlsrv32.dll to access databases might not connect. Furthermore, you might confront an error in the app or SQL Server. The error messages are like –

  1. The EMS System encountered a problem. Message: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Protocol error in TDS Stream.
  2. The EMS System encountered a problem. Message: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Unknown token received from SQL Server.

To determine whether you are using an affected application, open the app that connects to a database. Launch a Command Prompt and run the following cmd command –

tasklist /m sqlsrv32.dll

If the result lists a task, then the application might be affected.

A team is working on a resolution and will deliver an update in an upcoming release.
IT admins 

Establishing connection with Direct Access after temporarily losing network connectivity or transitioning between wireless networks or access points.

Remark: This problem should not affect other remote access solutions, for example, Virtual Private Network (sometimes named Remote Access Server or RAS) and Always On VPN aka AOVPN.

If you are running Windows at home or organizations and don’t use Direct Access you will be not affected.

Rebooting the system will help you mitigate the problem.

You can bring  Known Issue Rollback (KIR) into use to resolve the issue. Kindly, note that it might eat a maximum of 24 hours for the resolution for propagation purpose. Restarting might help the resolution apply faster. For enterprise-managed devices that have installed an affected update and confronted this glitch can be resolved by installing and configuring a special Group Policy. The special Group Policy is located in Computer Configuration => Administrative Templates => <Group Policy name listed below>.

For detailed process on deploying and configuring these special Group Policy, follow  How to use Group Policy to deploy a Known Issue Rollback.

Group Policy downloads with Group Policy name:

1] KB5018427 221029_091533 Known Issue Rollback – Download for Windows 11, version 22H2

2] KB5018483 220927_043051 Known Issue Rollback – Download for Windows 11, version 21H2

3] KB5018485 220927_043049 Known Issue Rollback – Download for Windows Server 2022

4] KB5018482 220927_043047 Known Issue Rollback – Download for Windows 10, version 22H2; Windows 10, version 21H2; Windows 10, version 21H1; Windows 10, version 20H2

Note that You will have to install and configure as well the Group Policy for your version to resolve this trouble.

How to download KB5021255 on Windows 11 22H2 and install

First of all, make sure that the latest version of Servicing Stack update 22000.898 for Windows 11 22H2 is already installed, and then proceed with the steps below to install KB 5021255 –

1] Using Auto-update

  1. Press Winkey and I.
  2. Select Windows update.
  3. Click on Check for updates.
  4. Stay for some time until the patch is fully downloaded and asks you to install it. When you come across a pop up, click on Restart now. The computer will reboot a couple of times and install the December 2022 security update.

2] Through manual process from Microsoft update catalog

  1. Click on KB5021255 direct download link.
  2. Match the architecture file on the website with the same of your computer. If you don’t have knowledge about this information then follow – How to see system info in Windows 11/10.
  3. Click on Download.
  4. An isolated page prompts showing a link to standalone file of the update; click on it.
  5. Double click on the .MSU file and select Yes on the verification pop-up.


  1. December 2022 Security Updates
  2. Security Update Guide

That’s all!!

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