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Windows 11 Build 22000.1279 KB5019157 RP Channel update

RP channel of Windows Insider has obtained an LCU having some bug fixes such as for D3D9, Firewall service, and TextInputHost.exe.  KB5019157 is the release that brings Windows 11 Build 22000.1279.

Full name of this update is 2022-11 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 for x64-based Systems (KB5019157) where x64 is variable and it can be ARM64. Let’s see what is new in this build –

KB5019157 Windows 11 Build 22000.1279 changes, bug fixes, improvements

Here is the changelog –

  1. This is a new improvement; the rollout provided the Quick Assist application for your client’s device. 
  2. Experts in the RP channel preview team fixed some persistent update failures for the Microsoft Store. 
  3. KB5019157 CU fixed a problem that affected some devices that are managed by an enterprise. The release improved the reliability of application installations for them. 
  4. The cumulative update for the RP channel fixed Unified Update Platform (UUP) on-premises customers. The version removed the block that prevents them from receiving offline language packs. 
  5. Furthermore, they fixed an issue that affected cluster name objects aka CNO or virtual computer objects (VCO). Password reset failed. The error message was – There was an error resetting the AD password… // 0x80070005
  6.  Windows 11 Build 22000.1279 fixed a problem with Microsoft Direct3D 9 (D3D9). The version caused D3D9 to stop working when using Remote Desktop. 
  7. The rollout fixed a problem with the Windows Firewall service. This didn’t start when you turned on the Override block rules option. 
  8. The RP channel update fixed a problem that might have affected applications that run on the Windows Lock Down Policy aka WLDP. They might have stopped working. 
  9. The LCU RP channel fixed a problem with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Due to this Automated investigation blocked live response investigations. 
  10. The experts in the team fixed a problem with TextInputHost.exe. It stopped responding. 
  11. Finally, the experts fixed a problem with pinned apps on the Start menu. After installing KB5019157, Start menu not working issue might occur when you moved between pages of pinned apps. This problem occurred when the language is a right-to-left aka RTL language.

KB5019157 Windows 11 Build 22000.1279 Download Links

  • x64.psf
  • ARM64.psf
  • ARM:

Source – Windows blog.

That’s all!!

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