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Windows Terminal Preview 1.2.2234.0 is out as Servicing release

Windows comes with a bunch of resourceful tools and utilities to support developers and programmers.  One such is Windows Terminal that is pursuing an active development and enhancing capabilities, features by removing bugs and issues. Currently, Preview version of this command line tool is under development to take more control over different features like support for theming & styling, globalization, configurability, tabs, rich text, etc.

Today, Windows Terminal Preview 1.2.2234.0 is released with some bug fixes. Mostly, the bugs were in title changes, OSC 12, RTL text.

Windows Terminal Preview 1.2.2234.0

Here is the latest Windows Terminal Preview version changelog –

  • Window title changes were not always reflected in the focused tab window. Now they are.  Previously, on changing tabs we would send up the title of the focused control, this change makes it so we send up the title of the focused tab instead.
  • OSC 12 (set cursor color) once again works.
  • The new tab button can now be coupled with Alt to open a split pane with the default profile.
  • Key events without a scancode, the likes of which are predominantly generated by software or keyboards with dead keys, no longer result in spurious input.
  • There have been some minor improvements in the way that we render RTL text. Batch RTL runs to ensure proper draw order.
  • Some of you like to use arrow keys instead of H, J, K, and L, so we made sure that they are properly sent to applications in W32 mode.
  • When you’re connected to a mouse mode application, drags that exit the window will still generate release events properly.
  • We’ve fixed an unfortunate crash on launch caused by @DHowett and his meddling in profile resolution. We resolved the default profile during default load, don’t crash on launch.

Download Windows Terminal Preview 1.2.2234.0 – link.

Source – Github release note.

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