KB4462939 cumulative update comes up to Windows 10 Version 1703 Build 15063.1418. The patch includes multiple improvements and fixes for time zone information, cloud authentication performance, Hibernation, App-V package, Access Denied error code “0x5”.
You can download KB4462939 from Microsoft update catalog website if you don’t receive the same via Windows update. The patch contains several quality improvements for Windows 10 Version 1703 Build 15063.1418.
KB4462939 –
KB4462939 Windows 10 Version 1703 Build 15063.1418 Details
Windows 10 team works on the redenomination of local currency that the Central Bank of Venezuela implemented to enter the Bolivar Soberano into circulation.
KB4462939 addresses updated time zone information problem.
Microsoft, in the patch, works on operating system stop responding issue when transitioning from Sleep to Hibernation.
They address navigation from the Decade view problem in the Japanese calendar. When users attempt to go from the Current era to the next era, navigation does not work accurately.
Windows 10 experts work on cloud authentication performance for accounts issue. The problem creates logon sessions very quickly.
They address unable to disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 when the Federal Information Processing Standard mode is enabled.
Windows 10 team works on Access Denied error code 0x5 in applications having more than 4 GB of memory. The issue occurs when calling CreateProcessWithLogonW().
Windows 10 developers try to fix applications handle leaks problem when using client authentication certificates with the TLS protocol. The issue rolls up when the FreeCredentialsHandle call takes a place before the DeleteSecurityContext call in application code.
They address App-V packages to fail due to a missing file or DLL error.
Windows 10 team works on System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms reference was not correctly loaded on .NET Framework 4.7.1. The issue occurs after installing the patches of July 10, 2018, and August 14, 2018.
They address system fails to work while shutting down certain Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) apps due to TaskCanceledException. Vulnerable Apps involves weak events or data binding after the “Application.Run() function” returns values.
Windows 10 team works on a race condition in temporary files and certain antivirus scanners leading .NET Framework applications to stop working. The error message is like – The process cannot access the file <name of temp file>.
KB4462939 cumulative update patch updates the .NET Framework support for the formatting of Japanese dates for the 1st year in the eras. For the format pattern “y?”, the year format will use the ? instead of year number 1. Furthermore, the .NET Framework will support dates that have ?.
KB4462939 patch updates Venezuela currency information. This info will affect the culture of es-VE as follows –
1) Currency symbol – Bs.S.
2) English currency name – Bolívar Soberano.
3) Local currency name – bolívar soberano.
4) International Currency Code – VES.
Windows 10 team works on a dialog box that may appear with a non-applicable message starting with Hosted by… when launching Microsoft Edge firstly. This is only viewable when you have enabled on Block only third-party cookies and applied certain language packs after receiving the October 9, 2018 update.
Windows Update Improvements
Microsoft has pushed an update straight to the Windows Update client to improve reliability.
How to Download KB4462939 Windows 10 Version 1703 Build 15063.1418
The cumulative updates KB4462939 require that you install the latest servicing stack update KB4132649 before receiving this one. This method helps to mitigate potential problem while installing the latest cumulative update.
Once you installed the SSU follow the steps to Download KB4462939 and install –
Step-1: Press Win+I and select “Update & Security” once the settings program appears.
Step-2: Go to the right pane and click on Check for updates in the following page.
In addition, if you want to download KB4462939 as the stand-alone package click on the link –
Microsoft update catalog website
Source – Release note