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System Requirements for Creators Update Windows 10

List of System Requirements for Creators Update Windows 10. – Creators Update is all set to hit the general users but Microsoft has already made it available through Update Assistant. To successfully install the Creators Update, the computer should fulfill certain system requirements. In case, if the PC fails to possess the necessary system requirements, the update process will get stuck in the middle. Pursue a similar guide on How to Find the Version of Windows Installed on System.

So, in this guide, we thought to list down all the necessary System Requirements for Creators Update Windows 10.

System Requirements for Creators Update Windows 10 Photos 1

System Requirements for Creators Update Windows 10

1. Processor – Windows 10 computer must possess 1 GHz or faster processor or SoC (system on a chip) for perfect installation of Creators Update.

2. RAM – The 32-bit systems must have at least 1 GB of RAM and the 64-bit computers need a minimum of 2GB RAM to successfully install the latest Creators Update.

In case, you are facing issues with RAM, follow our guide on Windows 10 – How to Detect RAM Issues with Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool.

3. Hard Disk Space – The third thing that 32-bit system demands is 16 GB of space and 64-bit PCs need is 20 GB space respectively.

For reference, you can read How to Clear Cache on Windows 10 – All Type.

4. Graphics card – The fourth important requirement to install Creators Update is make sure to have DirectX9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver.

5. Display – Lastly, Windows 10 computer should have the standard display resolution of 800×600 to install Creators Update.

Read the article on How to Enable Display Custom Scaling on Windows 10.

Additional Tips

Before you proceed with the update procedure, ensure that your computer is totally prepared for the upgradation. Well, you should perform the below actions carefully prior to the update procedure.

1. Remove all the unnecessary files from the system and moreover, clear the web browser’s cookies and cache. Ensure to backup all the important files or folders and then move ahead to clean your PC.

For more details, read our guide on What is Cookies, Cache and Browsing data? Why do we clear it?

2. Also, keep a track on the antivirus program and assure that it is up to date. In addition, perform a full scan of the PC and clear out all the threats from the system.

3. Moving ahead, install all the updates available for the OS including the apps that are installed on your computer.

4. As the last thing, it is a good idea to create a recovery drive.


So, System Requirements for Creators Update Windows 10 is very much important to avoid unnecessary interruptions during the upgradation process. Even if you want to use Microsoft Update Assistant, you should verify that the computer possesses all the necessary requirements that it should have to install and use Creators Update. If you are aware of more requirements, write down to us.

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