Windows 10 Insider Build 18312 (19H1) rolls in very recently with various interesting features and fixes. This update mainly focuses on reserved storage, increases the FLS slot limit, enhances the user interface of Reset this PC, and more.
In addition to these new features, it also addresses various issues like Microsoft Edge, acrylic effect, hyperlink colors and so on. Hence, let us move into the main section and explore every minute details of build 18312.
Windows 10 Insider Build 18312 (19H1) Fixes and Features Details
Keep Windows 10 up to date by reserving disk space
One of the prime concern of 19H1 is basically the way how Windows 10 will manage the disk space. It will keep aside some disk space through reserved storage. It can be eventually used by updates, apps, system caches moreover temporary files. In this way, the items such as updates, temp files, caches, and applications are less likely to consume valuable free space. Hence, the team expects it to operate the same in the long run.
Now, the Reserved storage will be introduced all by itself on the computers that are pr-loaded with 19H1. Moreover, it will also be on PCs where 19H1 was clean installed. However, if you are a Windows Insider and prefer to try this feature right away, then just go through this quest. Once you successfully finish the quest, reserved storage will kick off in the next flight itself.
FLS Slot Limit Increase
With the passage of time, computers are getting more powerful. This leads the musicians to continuously create complex projects loaded with tracks, deeper effects chains, and more instruments.
But as a result of this, the musicians are running up against a FLS ( or Fiber Local Storage) slot allocation ceiling. Basically, it prevents them from loading into their DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations) as multiple unique plugins as they would like. So, the release of Windows 10 Insider Build 18312 greatly raises that per-process “FLS slot allocation ceiling”. It will allow the loading potentially thousands of unique plugins. Apart from musicians, this modification will positively impact any program that dynamically loads hundreds or thousands of unique DLLs that have statically-linked Visual C++ runtimes, or otherwise allocates FLS slots.
Improvements in UI of Reset this PC
The rollout of Windows 10 Insider build 18312 includes a new user interface for Reset this PC. You will see it in Windows Settings => Update & Security => Recovery.
The new user interface will provide a more consistent experience across devices. It will contain different configurations moreover needs fewer clicks to finish.

Improvements in Windows Subsystem for Linux Command Line Tool
For easier and smoother WSL management, the team includes a new command line options to the WSL command line tool (wsl.exe). Furthermore, also based on users feedback, Microsoft added functionality to the same.
- Consolidated command line options: In order to manage your WSL distros, the WSL command line tool incorporates various options. Moving forward, the team only intends to update the wsl tool with the latest management options.
- Import a distro for easy sideloading including to non-system drives: As a new distribution, you can use the “import” option to imports a tar file. However, you can mention the distribution registry to the location of your preference which includes the non-system drives as well.
- Export your WSL distribution for simpler environment management: To export a distribution to a tar file, you need to use the “export” option. The distro will export to the default downloads location.
Windows 10 Insider Previw Build 18312 General changes, improvements, and fixes
- This build contains a fix where the Network shares page in File Explorer uses black text in the dark theme.
- The release of build 18312 also includes a solution for the issue that impacts Microsoft Edge reliability in the last few builds.
- The Control Panel will no longer display USB printers twice in Devices and Printers after you install this build.
- Microsoft and the team resolve the issue where the console would lose color when spawning a new “Command Prompt”.
- When you turn on the dark theme, the console scrollbar will appear dark. Moreover, the title bar will also bar dark. However, this is possible if you don’t choose to use your accent color in the title bar.
- To disable the acrylic on the sign-in screen, the group policy includes a new setting. You can find it out by navigating to Group Policy Editor => Administrative Templates => System => Logon => Show clear logon background.
- Windows 10 Insider Build 18312 carries a solution where the custom desktop or Lock screen images that are deployed by a runtime provisioning package will be removed after you go through Windows Update.
- Another problem where the shadow behind a flyout might zoom in after the flyout appeared is bypassed with this build.
- Previously the Windows Start Up Sound may fail to play after turning on from shutdown or after updating. So, the team carries out a solution for this in this build.
- The list of solution continues as Microsoft resolves an issue where the File Properties dialog wouldn’t display the full timestamp if “Conversational format” was chosen for the Date Modifies column in “File Explorer”.
- Microsoft and the team resolve the problem where the hyperlink colors are to be refined in Dark Mode in Sticky Notes if Insights were turned on.
- You need to check the Microsoft Store for Sticky Notes version 3.5.4 if you experience the app stuck on loading with build 18309.
Known issues in Windows 10 Insider Build 18312
- The built-in Windows Security app may display an unknown status for the category Virus & threat protection. It may also not refresh properly and generally occurs after a restart, upgrade or settings changes.
- The games that use anti-cheat software may trigger a bugcheck (GSOD) while you try to launch such games.
- In this build, for certain users, clicking on their account in Cortana Permissions fails to bring up the user interface to sign out from the digital assistant.
- Creative X-Fi sound cards may not function properly. Microsoft is planning to partner with Creative in order to solve this problem.
- While you make an attempt to update this specific build, certain “S Mode” devices will download and reboot, but fail the update.
- A bug will impact the functionality of Night light. The team is working on a fix and will include the same in the upcoming build.
- The Quick Actions section may be missing when you launch the Action Center.
- The network button on the sign-in screen may fail to work in this build.
- The Windows Security app may not display some text correctly. In certain cases, the text would be missing which may adversely affect to use some features, like filtering Protection history.
- The Windows feature update might fail but will display a successful update in the Windows Update history page. If this occurs, you will view more than one successful install for the same update on the history page.
- When you try to eject the USB using File Explorer, you may come across a warning that it is currently in use. Hence, to avoid this warning, you need to close all the active File Explorer windows. Then, eject the media through the system tray. Simply, make a click on the Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media and opt the drive you prefer to eject.
- When you perform Reset this PC and go ahead with Keep my files on a device that has Reserved storage turned on, then you may need an additional restart. Doing so will actually ensure that Reserved Storage is performing correctly.
- A certain number of users may not receive policies if they are enrolled in “Microsoft Intune”. These policies are not applied and left in “pending ” state on the server. But the workaround is to navigate to the Settings => Accounts => Access work or school. Here Disconnect the Azure AD account and then re-enroll.
- Microsoft and the team are also working on the problems with Windows Sandbox not loading on computers with multiple GPUs.
- Furthermore, in some scenarios, accessing Centennial apps will lead to bindflt.sys bugcheck (GSOD).
Known issues for Developers in Windows 10 Insider Build 18312
Certain optional content will fail if you install any of the recent builds from the Fast ring and then move to the slow ring. For example – Enabling developer mode. Hence, you need to stay into the Fast ring in order to add/install/enable optional content. This is necessary because optional content will only install on the builds that are approved for certain rings.
Source – Release Note