S.NO | Name | Explanation | Code |
1 | APC_INDEX_MISMATCH | This BSOD appears on exit from a system call and it is an outcome of internal error in kernel. | 0x00000001 |
2 | DEVICE_QUEUE_NOT_BUSY | This is an uncommon Blue screen error harmful to devices. | 0x00000002 |
3 | INVALID_AFFINITY_SET | Rare bugcheck and doesn’t appear commonly. | 0x00000003 |
4 | INVALID_DATA_ACCESS_TRAP | Again an occasionally occurring error that indicates an incorrect data access trap. | 0x00000004 |
5 | INVALID_PROCESS_ATTACH_ATTEMPT | This BSOD commonly appears when a driver requests the KeAttachProcess function and the thread is attached to a different process. | 0x00000005 |
6 | INVALID_PROCESS_DETACH_ATTEMPT | The BSOD appears after calling KeStackAttachProcess routine and afterward KeUnstackDetachProcess. The process is necessary for the driver’s implementation of callback function PLOAD_IMAGE_NOTIFY_ROUTINE. | 0x00000006 |
7 | INVALID_SOFTWARE_INTERRUPT | Infrequent occurring bugcheck. | 0x00000007 |
8 | IRQL_NOT_DISPATCH_LEVEL | Rare Blue Screen | 0x00000008 |
9 | IRQL_NOT_GREATER_OR_EQUAL | “” | 0x00000009 |
10 | IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL | Error message implies Windows or a kernel-mode driver accessed paged memory at an invalid address while at an IRQL. | 0x0000000A |
11 | NO_EXCEPTION_HANDLING_SUPPORT | Rare bugcheck | 0x0000000B |
12 | MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS_EXCEEDED | This BSOD is the consequent of improper use of FsRtlCancellableWaitForMultipleObjects or KeWaitForMultipleObjects. | 0x0000000C |
13 | MUTEX_LEVEL_NUMBER_VIOLATION | Seldom occurs | 0x0000000D |
14 | NO_USER_MODE_CONTEXT | Appears when a control returns from the initial thread procedure during starting a system thread | 0x0000000E |
15 | SPIN_LOCK_ALREADY_OWNED | Result of a recursive request for a spin lock or comparable function. | 0x0000000F |
16 | SPIN_LOCK_NOT_OWNED | Occurs occasionally | 0x00000010 |
17 | THREAD_NOT_MUTEX_OWNER | “” | 0x00000011 |
18 | TRAP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN | Unknown exception | 0x00000012 |
19 | EMPTY_THREAD_REAPER_LIST | Sporadically occurs | 0x00000013 |
20 | CREATE_DELETE_LOCK_NOT_LOCKED | Rare bugcheck | 0x00000014 |
21 | LAST_CHANCE_CALLED_FROM_KMODE | “” | 0x00000015 |
22 | CID_HANDLE_CREATION | “” | 0x00000016 |
23 | CID_HANDLE_DELETION | “” | 0x00000017 |
24 | REFERENCE_BY_POINTER | Consequences of reference count of an object which is illegal for the present state of the object. | 0x00000018 |
25 | BAD_POOL_HEADER | Corrupt pool header at the time of current request generates this issue. | 0x00000019 |
26 | MEMORY_MANAGEMENT | Different flaws in memory management cause this BSOD. | 0x0000001A |
27 | PFN_SHARE_COUNT | Doesn’t occur in Windows 10 currently | 0x0000001B |
28 | PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT | Appears very infrequently. | 0x0000001C |
29 | NO_SPIN_LOCK_AVAILABLE | “” | 0x0000001D |
30 | KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED | Faulty Services or driver causes a kernel mode program to create an exception. Error handler fails to catch this exception. | 0x0000001E |
31 | SHARED_RESOURCE_CONV_ERROR | Rare Blue Screen Error | 0x0000001F |
32 | KERNEL_APC_PENDING_DURING_EXIT | BSoD occurs when an asynchronous procedure call was remaining in pending state when a thread exited. | 0x00000020 |
33 | QUOTA_UNDERFLOW | This Stop error appears after quota charges are mishandled by returning more quota. This occurs to a particular block that was previously charged. | 0x00000021 |
34 | FILE_SYSTEM | Infrequent bugcheck | 0x00000022 |
35 | FAT_FILE_SYSTEM | BSoD happens because of corruption in FAT file system mostly due to Bad sectors or blocks in disk. | 0x00000023 |
36 | NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM | Driver file ntfs.sys messes that allow the system to write and read to NTFS drives generate this flaw. | 0x00000024 |
37 | NPFS_FILE_SYSTEM | Issues in NPFM File System lead to this Blue Screen. | 0x00000025 |
38 | CDFS_FILE_SYSTEM | Corruption in CDFS File System causes this stop error mostly because of Bad sector in disk. | 0x00000026 |
39 | RDR_FILE_SYSTEM | Depletion of nonpaged pool memory leads to issues in SMB redirector file system that finally results in this error. | 0x00000027 |
40 | CORRUPT_ACCESS_TOKEN | Seldom occurring bugcheck | 0x00000028 |
41 | SECURITY_SYSTEM | “” | 0x00000029 |
42 | INCONSISTENT_IRP | Inconsistent I/O request packets are the main reason behind this issue. | 0x0000002A |
43 | PANIC_STACK_SWITCH | kernel-mode driver using more stack space is the prime cause of this stop code. | 0x0000002B |
44 | PORT_DRIVER_INTERNAL | Rare stop error | 0x0000002C |
45 | SCSI_DISK_DRIVER_INTERNAL | “” | 0x0000002D |
46 | DATA_BUS_ERROR | Mainly occurs because of memory issues or configuration. | 0x0000002E |
47 | INSTRUCTION_BUS_ERROR | Rare Stop code | 0x0000002F |
48 | SET_OF_INVALID_CONTEXT | Stack pointer in a trap frame having an invalid value leads to this problem | 0x00000030 |
49 | PHASE0_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | In this situation, System initialization fails at a very early stage. | 0x00000031 |
50 | PHASE1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | “” | 0x00000032 |
51 | UNEXPECTED_INITIALIZATION_CALL | Scanty bugcheck | 0x00000033 |
52 | CACHE_MANAGER | Depletion of nonpaged pool memory causes issues with file system’s cache manager that ends up with this error. | 0x00000034 |
53 | NO_MORE_IRP_STACK_LOCATIONS | This BSOD appears due to IoCallDriver packet that has no more stack locations remnant in the packet. | 0x00000035 |
54 | DEVICE_REFERENCE_COUNT_NOT_ZERO | Driver tried to remove a device object still the reference count didn’t become 0. | 0x00000036 |
55 | FLOPPY_INTERNAL_ERROR | Infrequent error | 0x00000037 |
56 | SERIAL_DRIVER_INTERNAL | “” | 0x00000038 |
57 | SYSTEM_EXIT_OWNED_MUTEX | The worker routine returned back without freeing the mutex object that it owned. | 0x00000039 |
58 | SYSTEM_UNWIND_PREVIOUS_USER | Seldom occurring error | 0x0000003A |
59 | SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION | Appears when executing code has an exception and thread system thread is under this value. | 0x0000003B |
60 | INTERRUPT_UNWIND_ATTEMPTED | Rare stop code | 0x0000003C |
62 | MULTIPROCESSOR_CONFIGURATION_NOT_SUPPORTED | System contains more than one processor, but they are not symmetric to each other. | 0x0000003E |
63 | NO_MORE_SYSTEM_PTES | Page table entries in fragmented state have been generated because of too many I/O actions. | 0x0000003F |
64 | TARGET_MDL_TOO_SMALL | target MDL too large to map the whole range of addresses requested by a driver. | 0x00000040 |
65 | MUST_SUCCEED_POOL_EMPTY | This Blue Screen appears because must-succeed pool couldn’t fulfill the requests of Kernel-mode thread. | 0x00000041 |
66 | ATDISK_DRIVER_INTERNAL | Infrequent issue | 0x00000042 |
67 | NO_SUCH_PARTITION | “” | 0x00000043 |
68 | MULTIPLE_IRP_COMPLETE_REQUESTS | Driver has tried to request an I/O request packet be completed that is already complete. | 0x00000044 |
69 | INSUFFICIENT_SYSTEM_MAP_REGS | Rare problem | 0x00000045 |
70 | DEREF_UNKNOWN_LOGON_SESSION | “” | 0x00000046 |
71 | REF_UNKNOWN_LOGON_SESSION | “” | 0x00000047 |
72 | CANCEL_STATE_IN_COMPLETED_IRP | BSoD occurs because an IRP was completed, and then was hereinafter canceled. | 0x00000048 |
73 | PAGE_FAULT_WITH_INTERRUPTS_OFF | exceptional issue | 0x00000049 |
74 | IRQL_GT_ZERO_AT_SYSTEM_SERVICE | Stop code appears because of the Thread that is returning back from a system call to user mode whereas its IRQL is higher than PASSIVE_LEVEL. | 0x0000004A |
75 | STREAMS_INTERNAL_ERROR | Infrequent Blue Screen | 0x0000004B |
76 | FATAL_UNHANDLED_HARD_ERROR | “” | 0x0000004C |
77 | NO_PAGES_AVAILABLE | The error occurs when free pages are unavailable to continue operations. | 0x0000004D |
78 | PFN_LIST_CORRUPT | Shows up when page frame number list becomes corrupted. | 0x0000004E |
79 | NDIS_INTERNAL_ERROR | Rare problem | 0x0000004F |
80 | PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA | Occurs when system references invalid memory. | 0x00000050 |
81 | REGISTRY_ERROR | Indicates that registry is damaged and malfunctioning. | 0x00000051 |
82 | MAILSLOT_FILE_SYSTEM | Infrequent problem | 0x00000052 |
83 | NO_BOOT_DEVICE | “” | 0x00000053 |
84 | LM_SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR | “” | 0x00000054 |
85 | DATA_COHERENCY_EXCEPTION | “” | 0x00000055 |
87 | XNS_INTERNAL_ERROR | “” | 0x00000057 |
88 | FTDISK_INTERNAL_ERROR | Error appears after system is booted from the incorrect copy of a mirrored partition. | 0x00000058 |
89 | PINBALL_FILE_SYSTEM | nonpaged pool memory, when got depleted may lead to a Pinball file system. | 0x00000059 |
90 | CRITICAL_SERVICE_FAILED | Infrequent error | 0x0000005A |
91 | SET_ENV_VAR_FAILED | “” | 0x0000005B |
92 | HAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | Failed HAL initialization leads to throwing BSOD issue | 0x0000005C |
93 | UNSUPPORTED_PROCESSOR | When machine tries to run run an unsupported processor this Blue screen appears. | 0x0000005D |
94 | OBJECT_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | Rarely occurs | 0x0000005E |
96 | PROCESS_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | “” | 0x00000060 |
97 | HAL1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | “” | 0x00000061 |
98 | OBJECT1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | “” | 0x00000062 |
99 | SECURITY1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | “” | 0x00000063 |
100 | SYMBOLIC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | “” | 0x00000064 |
101 | MEMORY1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | “” | 0x00000065 |
102 | CACHE_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | “” | 0x00000066 |
103 | CONFIG_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | When Registry configuration gets failed the stop code appears. | 0x00000067 |
104 | FILE_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | Infrequent Blue Screen | 0x00000068 |
105 | IO1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | initialization of the I/O system failed leads this stop code to appear. | 0x00000069 |
106 | LPC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | Seldom occurring Blue screen | 0x0000006A |
107 | PROCESS1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | Initialization of the OS failed causes this stop code. | 0x0000006B |
108 | REFMON_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | Occasionally occurs | 0x0000006C |
109 | SESSION1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | Windows OS Initialization failure leads to throw this BSOD. | 0x0000006D |
110 | SESSION2_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | “” | 0x0000006E |
111 | SESSION3_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | “” | 0x0000006F |
112 | SESSION4_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | “” | 0x00000070 |
113 | SESSION5_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | “” | 0x00000071 |
114 | ASSIGN_DRIVE_LETTERS_FAILED | Rare issue | 0x00000072 |
115 | CONFIG_LIST_FAILED | When Core registry hives are unable to link the registry tree this error appears. | 0x00000073 |
116 | BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO | Corruption in registry is the main cause of this blue screen. | 0x00000074 |
117 | CANNOT_WRITE_CONFIGURATION | When registry hive file fails to be converted to a mapped file this BSoD shows up. | 0x00000075 |
118 | PROCESS_HAS_LOCKED_PAGES | Device Driver tries to unlock pages that are previously unlocked or locked and fails to do so throwing the error. | 0x00000076 |
119 | KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR | Memory fails to read requested page of kernel data coming from the paging file and throws BSOD. | 0x00000077 |
120 | PHASE0_EXCEPTION | An unexpected crash during HAL initialization causes this issue. | 0x00000078 |
121 | MISMATCHED_HAL | The prime cause of this error is Hardware Abstraction Layer revision level or configuration that fails to match that of the computer or kernel. | 0x00000079 |
122 | KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR | Memory finds itself unable to read the requested page of kernel data. | 0x0000007A |
123 | INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE | Windows OS cannot access the system partition while starting up. | 0x0000007B |
124 | BUGCODE_NDIS_DRIVER | Windows identifies a defect in Networking driver. | 0x0000007C |
125 | INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY | Lack of memory to start Windows. | 0x0000007D |
126 | SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED | Error handler cannot trace out an exception caused by thread. | 0x0000007E |
127 | UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP | Intel CPU gives rise to a trap and kernel becomes unable to catch this. | 0x0000007F |
128 | NMI_HARDWARE_FAILURE | A malfunction is progressing into hardware. | 0x00000080 |
129 | SPIN_LOCK_INIT_FAILURE | Infrequent issue | 0x00000081 |
130 | DFS_FILE_SYSTEM | “” | 0x00000082 |
131 | SETUP_FAILURE | fatal error occurred during setup. | 0x00000085 |
132 | MBR_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH | This stop code appears when mismatch happens in the MBR checksum | 0x0000008B |
133 | KERNEL_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED | The error handler fails to identify exception created by kernel-mode application. | 0x0000008E |
134 | PP0_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | Error appears when Plug and Play manager is not able to be initialized. | 0x0000008F |
135 | PP1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | “” | 0x00000090 |
136 | UP_DRIVER_ON_MP_SYSTEM | Windows is running on multiprocessor however driver is assembled to work on only one. | 0x00000092 |
137 | INVALID_KERNEL_HANDLE | BSoD generated when Kernel code attempted to end protected or invalid handle. | 0x00000093 |
138 | KERNEL_STACK_LOCKED_AT_EXIT | Blue screen occurs with this stop code because thread exits while its kernel stack is specified as not swappable | 0x00000094 |
139 | INVALID_WORK_QUEUE_ITEM | BSoD appears when queue entry is deleted that includes a NULL pointer. | 0x00000096 |
140 | BOUND_IMAGE_UNSUPPORTED | Occasional problem | 0x00000097 |
141 | END_OF_NT_EVALUATION_PERIOD | Appears when trial period of Windows comes to end. | 0x00000098 |
142 | INVALID_REGION_OR_SEGMENT | Blue screen crops up when ExInterlockedExtendRegion or ExInitializeRegion is called with an invalid set of parameters. | 0x00000099 |
143 | SYSTEM_LICENSE_VIOLATION | Violation of license agreement leads to shape up this BSoD error. | 0x0000009A |
144 | UDFS_FILE_SYSTEM | Damage in UDF File System produces this issue. | 0x0000009B |
145 | MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION | When fatal machine check exception eventuates this error appears. | 0x0000009C |
146 | USER_MODE_HEALTH_MONITOR | The Components of critical user-mode are unable to fulfill a health check | 0x0000009E |
147 | DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE | BSoD shows up when a driver remains in an invalid or inconsistent power state. | 0x0000009F |
148 | INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR | Occurs due to power policy manager that encounters a fatal error. | 0x000000A0 |
149 | PCI_BUS_DRIVER_INTERNAL | PCI Bus driver identifies inconsistency difficulties in its internal structures and fails to continue. | 0x000000A1 |
150 | MEMORY_IMAGE_CORRUPT | Damage in the image of an executable file living in memory leads to this problem. | 0x000000A2 |
151 | ACPI_DRIVER_INTERNAL | This mess up occurs because ACPI driver enucleates an internal inconsistency. | 0x000000A3 |
152 | CNSS_FILE_SYSTEM_FILTER | Reason for the problem is damage to CNSS file system filter. | 0x000000A4 |
153 | ACPI_BIOS_ERROR | Advanced Configuration and Power Interface BIOS is not perfectly acquiescent with the ACPI specification. | 0x000000A5 |
154 | BAD_EXHANDLE | The flaw occurs due to “kernel-mode handle table” that identifies an inconsistent entry state. | 0x000000A7 |
155 | SESSION_HAS_VALID_POOL_ON_EXIT | During this bug situation, session device driver doesn’t release its pool allocations prior to a session unload. | 0x000000AB |
156 | HAL_MEMORY_ALLOCATION | Hardware abstraction layer fails to find enough amount of non-paged memory pool for a critical requirement. | 0x000000AC |
157 | VIDEO_DRIVER_DEBUG_REPORT_REQUEST | Video port generates a minidump to satisfy the driver’s request. | 0x000000AD |
158 | BGI_DETECTED_VIOLATION | Rare bugcheck | 0x000000B1 |
159 | VIDEO_DRIVER_INIT_FAILURE | Windows cannot access graphics mode. | 0x000000B4 |
160 | ATTEMPTED_SWITCH_FROM_DPC | DPC tried an illegitimate operation. | 0x000000B8 |
161 | CHIPSET_DETECTED_ERROR | Infrequent error | 0x000000B9 |
162 | SESSION_HAS_VALID_VIEWS_ON_EXIT | A session driver mapped views cannot be unmapped before session unloaded. | 0x000000BA |
163 | NETWORK_BOOT_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | Windows is unsuccessful to boot off a network. | 0x000000BB |
164 | NETWORK_BOOT_DUPLICATE_ADDRESS | Issue occurs when an extra identical IP address is assigned to the pc while booting off a network. | 0x000000BC |
165 | INVALID_HIBERNATED_STATE | Memory image created by hibernation is not compatible with the previous hardware configuration. | 0x000000BD |
166 | ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY | The issue appears when driver tries to write read only file. | 0x000000BE |
167 | MUTEX_ALREADY_OWNED | Shape up when thread tries to acquire ownership of a mutex it owns so far. | 0x000000BF |
168 | SPECIAL_POOL_DETECTED_MEMORY_CORRUPTION | Occurs when driver writes to an invalid area of the special pool | 0x000000C1 |
169 | BAD_POOL_CALLER | A thread requests invalid pools. | 0x000000C2 |
170 | DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION | Malfunctioning of driver verifier gives rise to this code. | 0x000000C4 |
171 | DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL | This BSoD appears when system tries to approach invalid memory at a process IRQL that is extremely high. | 0x000000C5 |
172 | DRIVER_CAUGHT_MODIFYING_FREED_POOL | Driver tries to access a released memory pool. | 0x000000C6 |
173 | TIMER_OR_DPC_INVALID | The BSOD appears when DPC or kernel timer remains somewhere in memory where it is not permitted. | 0x000000C7 |
174 | IRQL_UNEXPECTED_VALUE | IRQL of processor has not the value what it should be currently. | 0x000000C8 |
175 | DRIVER_VERIFIER_IOMANAGER_VIOLATION | I/O violation by driver verifier throws this issue. | 0x000000C9 |
176 | PNP_DETECTED_FATAL_ERROR | BSOD prompts when Plug and Play Manager confront a severe error. | 0x000000CA |
177 | DRIVER_LEFT_LOCKED_PAGES_IN_PROCESS | I/O manager or driver is unsuccessful to free locked pages subsequent to an operation. | 0x000000CB |
178 | PAGE_FAULT_IN_FREED_SPECIAL_POOL | System has referenced memory which was previously released. | 0x000000CC |
179 | PAGE_FAULT_BEYOND_END_OF_ALLOCATION | The BSOD prompts when system accesses memory beyond the end of some driver’s pool allocation. | 0x000000CD |
180 | DRIVER_UNLOADED_WITHOUT_CANCELLING_PENDING_OPERATIONS | The issue takes place when driver fails to terminate pending operations prior to unloading. | 0x000000CE |
181 | TERMINAL_SERVER_DRIVER_MADE_INCORRECT_MEMORY_REFERENCE | Driver, incorrectly ported to the terminal server cause this problem. | 0x000000CF |
182 | DRIVER_CORRUPTED_MMPOOL | The issue occurs because system tries to access invalid memory at a process IRQL that is extremely high. | 0x000000D0 |
183 | DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL | Kernel-mode driver attempted to access pageable memory while the process IRQL was too high. | 0x000000D1 |
184 | BUGCODE_ID_DRIVER | Issue running in an NDIS driver | 0x000000D2 |
185 | DRIVER_PORTION_MUST_BE_NONPAGED | System attempted to access pageable memory at a process IRQL that was too high. | 0x000000D3 |
186 | SYSTEM_SCAN_AT_RAISED_IRQL_CAUGHT_IMPROPER_DRIVER_UNLOAD | Driver doesn’t close pending operations previous to unloading. | 0x000000D4 |
187 | DRIVER_PAGE_FAULT_IN_FREED_SPECIAL_POOL | Driver has referenced memory which was earlier freed. | 0x000000D5 |
188 | DRIVER_PAGE_FAULT_BEYOND_END_OF_ALLOCATION | Issue appears when driver accesses memory further away than the end of its pool allocation. | 0x000000D6 |
189 | DRIVER_UNMAPPING_INVALID_VIEW | Driver is attempting to unmap mapped address. | 0x000000D7 |
190 | DRIVER_USED_EXCESSIVE_PTES | Page table entries are not available further. | 0x000000D8 |
191 | LOCKED_PAGES_TRACKER_CORRUPTION | BSOD occurs because of damage in internal locked-page tracking structures. | 0x000000D9 |
192 | SYSTEM_PTE_MISUSE | BSoD shows up because of Page table entry routine which has been used in an improper method. | 0x000000DA |
193 | DRIVER_CORRUPTED_SYSPTES | Driver tries to access memory at an invalid IRQL, possibly because of damage in system Page table entries. | 0x000000DB |
194 | DRIVER_INVALID_STACK_ACCESS | Driver accessed a stack address that resides under the stack pointer of the thread. | 0x000000DC |
195 | POOL_CORRUPTION_IN_FILE_AREA | Driver has malfunctioning pool memory that is used for holding pages designated for disk. | 0x000000DE |
196 | IMPERSONATING_WORKER_THREAD | Work item did not disable impersonation before it completed. | 0x000000DF |
197 | ACPI_BIOS_FATAL_ERROR | Any component is faulty | 0x000000E0 |
198 | WORKER_THREAD_RETURNED_AT_BAD_IRQL | A worker thread completed and returned with IRQL => DISPATCH_LEVEL. | 0x000000E1 |
199 | MANUALLY_INITIATED_CRASH | This Blue screen appears when a user purposely initiates a crash dump from either keyboard or kernel debugger. | 0x000000E2 |
200 | RESOURCE_NOT_OWNED | Occurs after a thread tries to free a resource it didn’t own. | 0x000000E3 |
201 | WORKER_INVALID | Issue is commonly the result of the memory which driver releases but it still contains an executive work item. | 0x000000E4 |
202 | DRIVER_VERIFIER_DMA_VIOLATION | Refers to entire Driver Verifier DMA Verification violations. | 0x000000E6 |
203 | INVALID_FLOATING_POINT_STATE | Floating-point state stored by a thread is invalid. | 0x000000E7 |
204 | INVALID_CANCEL_OF_FILE_OPEN | Invalid file object was passed to IoCancelFileOpen | 0x000000E8 |
205 | ACTIVE_EX_WORKER_ THREAD_TERMINATION | Blue Screen shows up because of termination of an active executive worker thread. | 0x000000E9 |
206 | THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER | Thread in a driver is everlastingly spinning. | 0x000000EA |
207 | DIRTY_MAPPED_PAGES_CONGESTION | Blue screen appears when free pages are unavailable to further continue operations. | 0x000000EB |
208 | SESSION_HAS_VALID_ SPECIAL_POOL_ON_EXIT | A session driver holds memory but session unload occurs. | 0x000000EC |
209 | UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME | BSOD appears because input and output subsystem tries to mount the boot volume and it fails. | 0x000000ED |
210 | CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED | Occurs when critical system process died. | 0x000000EF |
211 | STORAGE_MINIPORT_ERROR | The prime cause is the storage Miniport driver that fails to satisfy a SRB request. | 0x000000F0 |
212 | SCSI_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION | The Blue Screen of Death refers to entire Driver Verifier SCSI Verification violations. | 0x000000F1 |
213 | HARDWARE_INTERRUPT_STORM | Occurrence of this BSOD is because of the kernel that discovers an interrupt storm. | 0x000000F2 |
214 | DISORDERLY_SHUTDOWN | Windows fails to shut down because of short of memory. | 0x000000F3 |
215 | CRITICAL_OBJECT_TERMINATION | A process or thread crucial to system operation has unexpectedly exited or been terminated. | 0x000000F4 |
216 | FLTMGR_FILE_SYSTEM | Blue Screen of Death appears due to the Filter Manager which encountered unrecoverable failure. | 0x000000F5 |
217 | PCI_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION | PCI driver is verifying an error in BIOS or another device. | 0x000000F6 |
218 | DRIVER_OVERRAN_STACK_BUFFER | A driver has overrun a stack-based buffer. | 0x000000F7 |
219 | RAMDISK_BOOT_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | When RAM disk is used to boot an initialization failure takes place. | 0x000000F8 |
220 | DRIVER_RETURNED_STATUS_REPARSE_FOR_VOLUME_OPEN | A device driver returned “STATUS_REPARSE” to an IRP_MJ_CREATE request without trailing names. | 0x000000F9 |
221 | HTTP_DRIVER_CORRUPTED | Http.sys has come to a corrupted state and unable to recover. | 0x000000FA |
222 | ATTEMPTED_EXECUTE_OF_NOEXECUTE_MEMORY | The Blue Screen of Death bug shows up when trying to execute a non-executable memory. | 0x000000FC |
223 | DIRTY_NOWRITE_PAGES_CONGESTION | BSOD occurs due to unable to continue basic system operations because of unavailability of free pages. | 0x000000FD |
224 | BUGCODE_USB_DRIVER | USB driver encounters error. | 0x000000FE |
225 | RESERVE_QUEUE_OVERFLOW | The issue appears due to overflow of Queue because of inserting a new item into a reserve queue. | 0x000000FF |
226 | LOADER_BLOCK_MISMATCH | Reason for this problem is either the loader block is invalid, or it does not match the system that is being loaded. | 0x00000100 |
227 | CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT | Secondary processor experience an expected clock interrupt. This occurs in a multi-processor system that doesn’t receive under allocated interval. | 0x00000101 |
228 | DPC_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT | Blue screen of death appears because Deferred Procedure Call watchdog routine isn’t executed in allocated time interval. | 0x00000102 |
229 | MUP_FILE_SYSTEM | Reason of the BSOD is Multiple UNC provider that has experienced invalid or unexpected data. | 0x00000103 |
230 | AGP_INVALID_ACCESS | Graphic Processing Unit writes to a range of AGP memory that had not earlier been committed. | 0x00000104 |
231 | AGP_GART_CORRUPTION | Blue screen appears because GART is corrupt. | 0x00000105 |
232 | AGP_ILLEGALLY_REPROGRAMMED | An unauthorized agent has re-programmed AGP hardware. | 0x00000106 |
233 | THIRD_PARTY_FILE_SYSTEM_FAILURE | File system filter or 3rd party file system encounter an unrecoverable issue. | 0x00000108 |
234 | CRITICAL_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTION | Kernel has identified critical kernel code or data corruption. | 0x00000109 |
236 | FSRTL_EXTRA_CREATE_PARAMETER_VIOLATION | Blue Screen occurs when a violation is detected in the FsRtl ECP package. | 0x0000010C |
237 | WDF_VIOLATION | KMDF identify that Windows find an error in a framework-based driver. | 0x0000010D |
238 | VIDEO_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT_INTERNAL | In this Blue screen condition, video memory manager is unable to recover. | 0x0000010E |
239 | RESOURCE_MANAGER_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED | BSod refers to the unrecoverable state of resource manager. | 0x0000010F |
240 | RECURSIVE_NMI | A non-maskable-interrupt happens while a previous NMI was going on. | 0x00000111 |
241 | MSRPC_STATE_VIOLATION | In this issue, Msrpc.sys driver has started a bug check. | 0x00000112 |
242 | VIDEO_DXGKRNL_FATAL_ERROR | Infrequent error | 0x00000113 |
243 | VIDEO_SHADOW_DRIVER_FATAL_ERROR | “” | 0x00000114 |
244 | AGP_INTERNAL | “” | 0x00000115 |
245 | VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE | When trying to reset display driver furthermore recover from a timeout fails and prompts BSoD. | 0x00000116 |
246 | VIDEO_TDR_TIMEOUT_DETECTED | Graphics driver is unable to respond in a timely method. | 0x00000117 |
247 | VIDEO_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL_ERROR | BSoD prompts because video scheduler has encountered a fatal violation. | 0x00000119 |
248 | EM_INITIALIZATION_FAILURE | Rare bugcheck | 0x0000011A |
249 | DRIVER_RETURNED_HOLDING_CANCEL_LOCK | A driver has returned from a cancel routine that holds the global cancel lock. | 0x0000011B |
250 | ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_CM_PROTECTED_STORAGE | The issue occurs when configuration manager read-only protected storage is written. | 0x0000011C |
251 | EVENT_TRACING_FATAL_ERROR | Blue Screen of Death appears because of the Event Tracing sub-system that has experienced an unexpected fatal error. | 0x0000011D |
252 | TOO_MANY_RECURSIVE_FAULTS | A file system has produced lots of recursive faults under low resource conditions that cannot be handled. | 0x0000011E |
253 | INVALID_DRIVER_HANDLE | Somebody has stopped the initial handle for a driver between inserting the driver object and referencing the handle. | 0x0000011F |
254 | BITLOCKER_FATAL_ERROR | BSoD occurs because BitLocker drive encryption encountered an issue that it cannot recover from. | 0x00000120 |
255 | DRIVER_VIOLATION | Driver has caused a violation. | 0x00000121 |
256 | WHEA_INTERNAL_ERROR | An internal issue takes place in the Windows Hardware Error Architecture. | 0x00000122 |
257 | CRYPTO_SELF_TEST_FAILURE | Cryptographic subsystem failed a mandatory algorithm self-test during bootstrap. | 0x00000123 |
258 | WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR | A fatal error in hardware has occurred. | 0x00000124 |
259 | NMR_INVALID_STATE | NMR has found an invalid state. | 0x00000125 |
260 | NETIO_INVALID_POOL_CALLER | An invalid pool request has been made to netio managed memory pool, e.g. FSB and MDL. | 0x00000126 |
261 | PAGE_NOT_ZERO | Blue Screen of Death appears when a page isn’t filled with 0 but it should be. | 0x00000127 |
262 | WORKER_THREAD_RETURNED_WITH_BAD_IO_PRIORITY | A worker threads IOPriority was incorrectly changed by the called worker routine. | 0x00000128 |
263 | WORKER_THREAD_RETURNED_WITH_BAD_PAGING_IO_PRIORITY | A worker threads Paging IOPriority was wrongly modified by the called worker routine. | 0x00000129 |
264 | MUI_NO_VALID_SYSTEM_LANGUAGE | BSOD stop code occurs when Windows doesn’t notice installed, licensed language packs for the default UI language. | 0x0000012A |
265 | FAULTY_HARDWARE_CORRUPTED_PAGE | A damage in memory manager caused by a component that accesses memory through physical addressing. | 0x0000012B |
266 | EXFAT_FILE_SYSTEM | exFAT file system encountered an issue. | 0x0000012C |
267 | VOLSNAP_OVERLAPPED_TABLE_ACCESS | Volsnap attempted to access a common table from two different threads which may result in table corruption and eventually corrupt the table. | 0x0000012D |
268 | INVALID_MDL_RANGE | This is typically a driver bug. | 0x0000012E |
269 | VHD_BOOT_INITIALIZATION_FAILED | Blue Screen of death appear because of initialization failure that take place while trying to boot from a VHD. | 0x0000012F |
270 | DYNAMIC_ADD_PROCESSOR_MISMATCH | Occurs when new processor is incompatible with the current configuration | 0x00000130 |
271 | INVALID_EXTENDED_PROCESSOR_STATE | Appears when restoring or saving extended processor state. | 0x00000131 |
272 | RESOURCE_OWNER_POINTER_INVALID | BSoD refers to supply of invalid resource owner pointer. | 0x00000132 |
273 | DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION | When faulty driver code doesn’t perform its work within the allotted time frame | 0x00000133 |
274 | DRIVE_EXTENDER | Drive extender component has encountered a serious internal error that stops continued operation. | 0x00000134 |
275 | REGISTRY_FILTER_DRIVER_EXCEPTION | Blue Screen of death appears because of an unhandled exception in a registry filtering driver. | 0x00000135 |
276 | VHD_BOOT_HOST_VOLUME_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE | When trying to boot via VHD an initialization failure occurs. | 0x00000136 |
277 | WIN32K_HANDLE_MANAGER | win32k/ntuser handle manager encounters a fatal error. | 0x00000137 |
278 | GPIO_CONTROLLER_DRIVER_ERROR | BSoD occurs when GPIO class extension driver experienced a fatal error. | 0x00000138 |
279 | KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK_FAILURE | Kernel has identifies the damage in a critical data structure. | 0x00000139 |
280 | KERNEL_MODE_HEAP_CORRUPTION | Kernel mode heap manager identifies damage in a heap. | 0x0000013A |
281 | PASSIVE_INTERRUPT_ERROR | Kernel has encountered problems with passive-level interrupt. | 0x0000013B |
282 | INVALID_IO_BOOST_STATE | BSoD occurs when a thread exits with an invalid Input or output boost state. | 0x0000013C |
283 | CRITICAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILURE | Blue Screen of Death prompts when early kernel initialization has failed. | 0x0000013D |
284 | STORAGE_DEVICE_ABNORMALITY_DETECTED | This mess up happens when storage driver stack experiences proportion of responsiveness violations surpassing the threshold, or other failures to respond. | 0x00000140 |
285 | VIDEO_ENGINE_TIMEOUT_DETECTED | Either of the display engines is unable to respond in timely method. | 0x00000141 |
286 | VIDEO_TDR_APPLICATION_BLOCKED | Display hardware cannot be accessed by an app. | 0x00000142 |
287 | PROCESSOR_DRIVER_INTERNAL | Appears when PPM driver experiences a fatal error. | 0x00000143 |
288 | BUGCODE_USB3_DRIVER | Occurs due to damage in USB 3 driver. | 0x00000144 |
289 | SECURE_BOOT_VIOLATION | A necessary operation not being performed or invalid policy leads to prevent the starting of secure Boot policy enforcement. | 0x00000145 |
290 | ABNORMAL_RESET_DETECTED | The issue appears when Windows undergo an abnormal reset | 0x00000147 |
291 | REFS_FILE_SYSTEM | A file system error has occurred. | 0x00000149 |
292 | KERNEL_WMI_INTERNAL | Blue Screen of death appears because a fatal error occurs in internal kernel WMI subsystem. | 0x0000014A |
293 | SOC_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE | System on Chip subsystems experienced an unrecoverable issue. | 0x0000014B |
294 | FATAL_ABNORMAL_RESET_ERROR | System has abnormally reset. | 0x0000014C |
295 | EXCEPTION_SCOPE_INVALID | Appears because System encounters internal inconsistency in exception dispatching | 0x0000014D |
296 | SOC_CRITICAL_DEVICE_REMOVED | A critical System on a Chip device has been unexpectedly failed or removed. | 0x0000014E |
297 | PDC_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT | A system cannot return from standby because component is unable to respond within the allocated time period. | 0x0000014F |
298 | TCPIP_AOAC_NIC_ACTIVE_REFERENCE_LEAK | Until the send queue is fully drained NIC active reference should isn’t freed. | 0x00000150 |
299 | UNSUPPORTED_INSTRUCTION_MODE | Prompts when you try to execute code via an unsupported processor instruction mode. | 0x00000151 |
300 | INVALID_PUSH_LOCK_FLAGS | flags supplied to one of push lock APIs were invalid. | 0x00000152 |
301 | KERNEL_LOCK_ENTRY_LEAKED_ON_THREAD_TERMINATION | Before a thread releases entire AutoBoost lock entries it is terminated. | 0x00000153 |
302 | UNEXPECTED_STORE_EXCEPTION | Unexpected exception occurs in store component. | 0x00000154 |
303 | OS_DATA_TAMPERING | Rare bugcheck | 0x00000155 |
304 | WINSOCK_DETECTED_HUNG_CLOSESOCKET_LIVEDUMP | Blue screen appears after Winsock encounters a hung transport endpoint close request. | 0x00000156 |
305 | KERNEL_THREAD_PRIORITY_FLOOR_VIOLATION | BSoD occurs when on the priority floor of a particular thread an illegal operation is attempted. | 0x00000157 |
306 | ILLEGAL_IOMMU_PAGE_FAULT | Blue Screen of Death appears because IOMMU has delivered a page fault packet for an invalid ASID. | 0x00000158 |
307 | HAL_ILLEGAL_IOMMU_PAGE_FAULT | IOMMU vendor has delivered a page fault against an ASID that was in the process of being freed. | 0x00000159 |
308 | SDBUS_INTERNAL_ERROR | SD-attached device encountered unrecoverable hardware failure. | 0x0000015A |
309 | WORKER_THREAD_RETURNED_WITH_SYSTEM_PAGE_PRIORITY_ACTIVE | Blue screen occurs when called worker routine leaks worker thread’s system page priority | 0x0000015B |
310 | PDC_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_LIVEDUMP | BSOD occurs because a system component becomes unable to respond within the allocated time period and prevents from exiting or entering standby. | 0x0000015C |
311 | SOC_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE_LIVEDUMP | SoC subsystem encountered a critical fault and captured a live kernel dump. | 0x0000015D |
312 | BUGCODE_NDIS_DRIVER_LIVE_DUMP | NDIS has captured a live kernel dump. | 0x0000015E |
313 | CONNECTED_STANDBY_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_LIVEDUMP | Blue Screen appears because an issue prompts in connected standby watchdog timeout. | 0x0000015F |
314 | WIN32K_ATOMIC_CHECK_FAILURE | Win32k function has violated an ATOMICCHECK. | 0x00000160 |
315 | LIVE_SYSTEM_DUMP | Blue Screen occurs because the system administrator requested the collection of a live system memory dump. | 0x00000161 |
316 | KERNEL_AUTO_BOOST_INVALID_LOCK_RELEASE | A thread that doesn’t own a lock has freed the lock tracked by AutoBoost. | 0x00000162 |
317 | WORKER_THREAD_TEST_CONDITION | Kernel worker threads raised a failure. | 0x00000163 |
318 | WIN32K_CRITICAL_FAILURE | Win32k has encountered a critical failure. | 0x00000164 |
319 | CLUSTER_CSV_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT_LIVEDUMP | SMB client on the non-coordinating node complains that an IO on coordinating node is taking too long and fails all IOs with STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT. | 0x00000165 |
320 | CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CALL_TIMEOUT_LIVEDUMP | BSOD occurs after Cluster Resource call takes more time than configured timeout. | 0x00000166 |
321 | CLUSTER_CSV_SNAPSHOT_DEVICE_INFO_TIMEOUT_LIVEDUMP | Cluster Service call to the volume snap to query snapshot information took too long. | 0x00000167 |
322 | CLUSTER_CSV_STATE_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT_LIVEDUMP | Blue screen throws up because Cluster Shared Volume state transition takes too long. | 0x00000168 |
323 | CLUSTER_CSV_VOLUME_ARRIVAL_LIVEDUMP | CSV Manager was asked to create a new volume device object, and it has not reached in time. | 0x00000169 |
324 | CLUSTER_CSV_VOLUME_REMOVAL_LIVEDUMP | Blue Screen occurs because a CSV Manager volume removal request has timed out. | 0x0000016A |
325 | CLUSTER_CSV_CLUSTER_WATCHDOG_LIVEDUMP | Cluster service user mode watchdog identified that a thread is not progressing for a long. | 0x0000016B |
326 | INVALID_RUNDOWN_ PROTECTION_FLAGS | The reason of this Blue Screen error is the flags supplied to one of the rundown protection APIs which were invalid. | 0x0000016C |
327 | INVALID_SLOT_ALLOCATOR_FLAGS | flags supplied to one of the slot allocation API were invalid. | 0x0000016D |
328 | ERESOURCE_INVALID_RELEASE | target thread pointer supplied to ExReleaseResourceForThreadLite was invalid. | 0x0000016E |
329 | CLUSTER_CSV_STATE_TRANSITION_INTERVAL_TIMEOUT_LIVEDUMP | CSV next state transition request has not reached. | 0x0000016F |
330 | CRYPTO_LIBRARY_INTERNAL_ERROR | Blue Screen throws up when internal error in the crypto libraries occurs. | 0x00000170 |
331 | CLUSTER_CSV_CLUSSVC_DISCONNECT_WATCHDOG | Cluster disconnect is not making forward progress. | 0x00000171 |
332 | COREMSGCALL_INTERNAL_ERROR | CoreMessageCall encountered an unrecoverable error. | 0x00000173 |
333 | COREMSG_INTERNAL_ERROR | Blue Screen appears when CoreMessaging detects an unrecoverable error. | 0x00000174 |
334 | PREVIOUS_FATAL_ABNORMAL_RESET_ERROR | System has abnormally reset Windows phone or unrecoverable error occurred. | 0x00000175 |
335 | ELAM_DRIVER_DETECTED_FATAL_ERROR | Early Launch Antimalware driver detected a fatal error. | 0x00000178 |
336 | CLUSTER_CLUSPORT_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT_LIVEDUMP | SMB client on the initiator node complains that an IO to a target node is taking too long and fails all IOs with STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT. | 0x00000179 |
337 | PROFILER_CONFIGURATION_ILLEGAL | Rare bugcheck | 0x0000017B |
338 | PDC_LOCK_WATCHDOG_LIVEDUMP | BSoD prompts up when thread has been holding PDC lock too long. | 0x0000017C |
339 | PDC_UNEXPECTED_ REVOCATION_LIVEDUMP | System unexpectedly revokes activator. | 0x0000017D |
340 | MICROCODE_REVISION_MISMATCH | Either one or multiple processors in the configuration have loaded inconsistent microcode. | 0x0000017E |
341 | VIDEO_DWMINIT_TIMEOUT_FALLBACK_BDD | Video fell back to Behavior-Driven Development rather than using the IHV driver. | 0x00000187 |
342 | CLUSTER_CSVFS_LIVEDUMP | CSV File System initiated this livedump to help debug an inconsistent state. | 0x00000188 |
343 | BAD_OBJECT_HEADER | Occurs because of damage in OBJECT_HEADER. | 0x00000189 |
344 | SECURE_KERNEL_ERROR | Secure kernel confronts a fatal error. | 0x0000018B |
345 | HYPERGUARD_VIOLATION | Blue Screen throws up because kernel has identified critical kernel or code data have been corrupted. | 0x0000018C |
346 | SECURE_FAULT_UNHANDLED | Secure fault originated by the secure kernel could not be handled. | 0x0000018D |
347 | KERNEL_PARTITION_ REFERENCE_VIOLATION | Issue takes place because a partition was improperly dereferenced. | 0x0000018E |
348 | WIN32K_CRITICAL_FAILURE_LIVEDUMP | Win32k has encountered a critical failure. | 0x00000190 |
349 | PF_DETECTED_CORRUPTION | Rare bugcheck | 0x00000191 |
350 | KERNEL_AUTO_BOOST_LOCK_ACQUISITION_WITH_RAISED_IRQL | A lock tracked by AutoBoost was acquired while executing at DISPATCH_LEVEL or above. | 0x00000192 |
351 | VIDEO_DXGKRNL_LIVEDUMP | dxgkrnl causes a livedump. | 0x00000193 |
352 | SMB_SERVER_LIVEDUMP | BSOD prompts when SMB server encounters an issue and has captures a kernel dump to gather debug information. | 0x00000195 |
353 | LOADER_ROLLBACK_DETECTED | OS loader edition doesn’t match the OS. | 0x00000196 |
354 | WIN32K_SECURITY_FAILURE | WIN32K experiences security failure. | 0x00000197 |
355 | UFX_LIVEDUMP | UFX livedump occurred. | 0x00000198 |
356 | KERNEL_STORAGE_SLOT_IN_USE | Blue Screen of Death appears since storage slot fails to be released because there is an object using it. | 0x00000199 |
357 | WORKER_THREAD_RETURNED_WHILE_ATTACHED_TO_SILO | “A worker thread attached to a silo and did not detach before returning”. | 0x0000019A |
358 | TTM_FATAL_ERROR | BSOD occurs when Terminal topology manager (TTM) encountered a fatal error. | 0x0000019B |
359 | WIN32K_POWER_ WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT | Win32k didn’t turn on the monitor in a timely method. | 0x0000019C |
360 | CLUSTER_SVHDX_LIVEDUMP | SVHDX initiated this livedump to help debug an inconsistent state. | 0x0000019D |
361 | TTM_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT | Terminal topology manager (TTM) identified that some device specific operations did not compete with the configured timeouts . | 0x000001A0 |
362 | CALL_HAS_NOT_RETURNED_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_LIVEDUMP | A call has not returned within the timeout period. | 0x000001A3 |
363 | DRIPS_SW_HW_DIVERGENCE_LIVEDUMP | Rare bugcheck | 0x000001A4 |
364 | USB_DRIPS_BLOCKER_SURPRISE_REMOVAL_LIVEDUMP | A USB device will be surprisingly removed seeing that it is blocking DRIPS. | 0x000001A5 |
365 | BLUETOOTH_ERROR_RECOVERY_LIVEDUMP | bthport.sys has tried to recover and reset the radio from an irremediable internal condition. | 0x000001A6 |
366 | SMB_REDIRECTOR_LIVEDUMP | SMB redirector has identified an issue and has gathered a kernel dump to collect debug information. | 0x000001A7 |
367 | VIDEO_DXGKRNL_BLACK_SCREEN_LIVEDUMP | A user initiated DXGKRNL livedump for the scenarios of black screen. | 0x000001A8 |
368 | VIDEO_MINIPORT_FAILED_LIVEDUMP | Rare bugcheck | 0x000001B0 |
369 | DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION_LIVEDUMP | A driver trying to damage the system has been detected. | 0x000001C4 |
370 | IO_THREADPOOL_DEADLOCK_LIVEDUMP | A kernel mode thread pool experienced a deadlock condition. | 0x000001C5 |
371 | FAST_ERESOURCE_ PRECONDITION_VIOLATION | A current thread is carrying out an invalid call to a fast resource routine. | 0x000001C6 |
372 | STORE_DATA_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTION | The store component identified a malfunction in its data structures. | 0x000001C7 |
373 | MANUALLY_INITIATED_POWER_BUTTON_HOLD | BSOD appears when a user holds power button for a specified time | 0x000001C8 |
374 | USER_MODE_HEALTH_MONITOR_LIVEDUMP | Blue Screen of Death appears when a critical user mode component is unable to fulfill a health check. | 0x000001C9 |
375 | SYNTHETIC_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT | System freezes and not processing timer ticks. | 0x000001CA |
376 | INVALID_SILO_DETACH | A thread cannot detach from a silo prior to exiting. | 0x000001CB |
377 | EXRESOURCE_TIMEOUT_LIVEDUMP | A deadlock situation or heavy contention which can lead to performance problems. | 0x000001CC |
378 | INVALID_CALLBACK_STACK_ADDRESS | BSOD occurs because the callback stack seems to be a user mode address which is illegitimate. | 0x000001CD |
379 | INVALID_KERNEL_STACK_ADDRESS | In the middle of context switch, an invalid initial kernel stack address was encountered. | 0x000001CE |
380 | HARDWARE_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT | System freezes and is not processing timer ticks. | 0x000001CF |
381 | CPI_FIRMWARE_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT | ACPI driver was not able to perform a task in expected allotted time. | 0x000001D0 |
382 | TELEMETRY_ASSERTS_LIVEDUMP | Issue throws up when a Telemetry Assert verification fails. | 0x000001D1 |
383 | WORKER_THREAD_INVALID_STATE | The problem refers to the invalid state of an executive worker thread. | 0x000001D2 |
384 | WFP_INVALID_OPERATION | A Filtering Platform callout carries out an invalid operation. | 0x000001D3 |
385 | UCMUCSI_LIVEDUMP | An UcmUcsi class extension has experienced an error. | 0x000001D4 |
386 | DRIVER_PNP_WATCHDOG | A driver is not able to perform a PnP operation under a specific time. | 0x000001D5 |
387 | WORKER_THREAD_RETURNED_WITH_NON_DEFAULT_WORKLOAD_CLASS | A worker thread modified its workload class and didn’t revert it prior to returning. | 0x000001D6 |
388 | EFS_FATAL_ERROR | An Encrypting File System error situation has occurred such that cannot be handled without data loss or data corruption. | 0x000001D7 |
389 | UCMUCSI_FAILURE | UCSI class extension has experienced an issue. | 0x000001D8 |
390 | HAL_IOMMU_INTERNAL_ERROR | HAL IOMMU library encountered an internal error issue. | 0x000001D9 |
391 | IPI_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT | Blue screen of death prompts when a processor gets stuck in an IPI loop for more than the allowed time. | 0x000001DB |
392 | DMA_COMMON_BUFFER_VECTOR_ERROR | A driver has put the DMA vectored common buffer APIs to wrong use. | 0x000001DC |
393 | XBOX_ERACTRL_CS_TIMEOUT | BSOD throws up because eractrl.sys driver fails to transition the Xbox console to or from standby after an extended time. | 0x00000356 |
394 | BC_BLUETOOTH_VERIFIER_FAULT | A driver has caused a violation. | 0x00000BFE |
395 | BC_BTHMINI_VERIFIER_FAULT | Bluetooth miniport extensible driver verifier has caught a violation. | 0x00000BFF |
396 | HYPERVISOR_ERROR | Issue prompts because hypervisor has experienced a fatal error. | 0x00020001 |
401 | THREAD_TERMINATE_HELD_MUTEX | Blue Screen of Death throws up because a driver obtained a mutex on a thread that exited before it could be freed. | 0x4000008A |
402 | STATUS_CANNOT_LOAD_REGISTRY_FILE | As the code says registry file could not be loaded. | 0xC0000218 |
403 | WINLOGON_FATAL_ERROR | BSOD appears when Winlogon process is unexpectedly closed. | 0xC000021A |
404 | STATUS_IMAGE_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH | A system DLL or driver has been damaged. | 0xC0000221 |
405 | MANUALLY_INITIATED_CRASH1 | Blue Screen of Death prompts when a User intentionally initiated a crash dump using keyboard or kernel debugger. | 0xDEADDEAD |